
Cleaning out gutters

Cleaning out gutters is a miserable, messy, stinky job. Installing gutter guards could put that headache behind you, but how the heck are you supposed to know which type to buy? In this article, we'll examine the three most popular types of gutter guards: screen, surface tension and fine mesh. We'll compare the different features, installation methods and prices to help you decide which ones will work best for your house. And if you install them yourself, you can save tons of money-some pro installers charge as much as $20 per ft.! The guards we'll cover are designed for 5-in. K-style gutters, typical on many homes. Screens are the most common type of gutter guard. They come in a wide variety of shapes and materials and can be installed in a few different ways. Screens work well in situations where leaves are the main problem. However, the openings in screens are large enough to let in seeds and pine needles, and cleaning them out may require removing the screens. Se